Duke & Shiree Cox were married in 1994 and have been raising kids and trading cattle ever since! They bought Cedar Livestock Market in April of 2019. They love working with their family, and are grateful for the customers that make that possible.

Dave and Jessica Cox hold down the fort in Cedar City, and are more often than not, the faces you’ll see when dropping off livestock on days other than Thursday.
Dave handles all livestock feeding needs. Jessica handles our market reports and uses the UDAF format to give our customers a more detailed, and accurate, view of the market.

Bonnie Adams is our Office Manger with Shiree Cox and Margo Whittier as our wonderful office help. We are so grateful for these women for sticking with us through the owner transition. Their combined skills have helped to make this transition smooth.

We’ve got a great line up of auctioneers including: Bret Whittier, Duke Cox, and Dave Cox.
We’d also like to thank our wonderful clerks, Jetta Robinson and Shiree Cox, and our ringmen.